Monday, October 24, 2011

Patron Centric

This is such an exciting moment for me to begin a new journey with my Willows Theatre Company patrons.

I was at a very inspiring conference a few weeks ago entitled "Beyond Dynamic Adaptability." This conference explored the new world of technology and how we as arts organizations connect and engage our audience in a world that is becoming more and more networked.

My brain exploded for hours! I was so inspired by the revelation that today arts organizations are in an Artistic Reformation. As a leader in the Bay Area theatre community I am excited to be a part of this reformation.

Today we are surrounded by social media, twitter and an ever growing desire to self-promote. How does the current arts organization stay relevant in a world that is adapting faster than we realized?

In the passing of Steve Jobs, we as a nation and global society are finally putting terms and focus on how the world has changed. The art of communication and sharing of information has changed. The way we learn is changing as well. As an arts organization, especially a theatre organization, we truly have a new commitment in how we look at making art, but more importantly how we invite our audience to participate in our art.

As The Willows Theatre Company moves forward we will be exploring how to dynamically adapt as well as lead in the this exploration of connectivity and engagement with our Patrons. David and I have always believed that to be successful you must be Patron Centric. We operate by this mind set on a daily basis.

Thank you so much to all of our Patrons for your continued faith and commitment to the excellence of live professional theatre.

To continue my commitment to you, I am starting a weekly blog in which I will be exploring what is happening at the Willows in a new light. I hope this finds everyone well, and I look forward to seeing all of you at NUNSET BLVD!

-Eric Inman

Artistic Director